

Find line numbers corresponding to converged increments.

Abaqus prints the statement EQUILIBRIUM NOT ACHIEVED WITHIN TOLERANCE at the end of each increment where convergence was not achieved and the step time details including the FRACTION OF STEP COMPLETED at the end of each converged increment. find_convergedIncrements() retrives the line numbers for the end of each increment using these strings as keywords. Futher, it finds the fraction of step time of converged increments from the corresponding lines and appends it to converged_time. Along with appending the line number corresponding to the end of each converged increment to converged_lastLine, find_convergedIncrements() also finds and appends the largest line numbers marking the end of an increment (converged or unconverged) that is closest to and smaller than the entries in converged_lastLine. This marks the end of an increment that occured just prior to the converged increment and consequently also marks the start of the converged increment.


fileName (str): path to the .msg file including the file name and extension.


converged_time (List): Increment time of converged increments. The times in the list are floats.

converged_firstLine (List): First line of the converged increments. The line numbers in the list are integers.

converged_lastLine (List): Last line of the converged increments. The line numbers in the list are integers.